Monday 1 December 2014


Few years ago when I watched Horrible Bosses honestly I enjoyed it.  So now we have a sequel Horrible bosses 2.

Now if you ask me according to me in all movie genres comedy is the most difficult. Reality is based on reality. You can make anyone cry because at present everyone is always crying about something. But making somebody laugh is not so easy. So whenever a comedy movie is out t give it first priority and here is my review of Horrible bosses 2.

First of all let’s talk about cast. The entire cast of Horrible Bosses is returning in this movie including Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey. The lead trio Nick (Jason Bateman), Dale (Charlie Day) and Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) they are perfect trio. They are excellent together their comic timing, their dialogue delivery everything is simply outstanding. With them we have Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey who are reprising their roles from last film. The new entry is Chris Pine our beloved Captain Kirk from Star Trek.  Performances are the only good thing of this movie.

The story plot of Horrible Bosses was idiotic so in sequel it’s more idiotic. We all know in comedies story plots are always idiotic because that was makes a comedy movie. Now the story must have some twist and turns but in Horrible bosses 2 there are so many twists and turns that eventually you are like “Man I don’t buy this anymore”.

The problem with this movie is it’s so idiotically mindless that it makes you wonder “What the hell is going on”. In comedy I always believe that the laughter must come from audience without any effort but if you try to make audience laugh than it’s not good. So in Horrible bosses 2 the characters try so hard to make you laugh that it makes you think that they are trying to make you laugh so you should laugh but about what ?

So all and all Horrible bosses 2 only worth Watching on TV.

Have you seen it…? What do you think about it..? Let me know in comments..

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