Tuesday 2 December 2014


Usually I don’t write about this kind of incidents. But this incident came to me as a shock. Now as we all know on the set of a reality show former Big Boss winner and actress Gauhar Khan was slapped by someone for wearing short dresses.

First of all we are a nation where we worship goddesses like Durga, Kaali and Lakshmi and according to me every woman is their avatar. We created religions so religions so in simple words religions are not above humanity or human rights. And which religion allows you to treat women with violence.

Every human has equal rights irrespective of his gender, cast or skin color. The wicked man who slapped Gauhar Khan named Akil Mali said “being a Muslim woman, she should not have worn such a short dress”. Is it a valid explanation of his hatred act? Who gave you permission to decide what someone should wear and what not and who the hell gave you rights to punish them.

Now in present India is on an edge of its revolutionary change but nothing can change until we change our mentality our way of thinking. In our society women must be treated equally. That wicked man just not slapped Gauhar Khan but he slapped on the face of our society. That wicked man must be punished hard not only from law but also from society so in future anybody can not even think about doing such thing.   

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