Saturday 6 December 2014


Guys we all know that Exodus: Gods and Kings in now in theatres. If  a movie out there with an astonishing budget of $140 million and the cast including actors like Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton and Ben Kingsley so no matter what I have to watch the movie and here is my review of Exodus: Gods and Kings.

From the first scene to the last scene the movie proves one thing that it’s a very high budget movie. Huge sets, excellent VFX, top of the chart cast members and noteworthy battle sequences. Its always a pleasure to watch a big budget movie on big screen. So as far as the look and feel and cinematography is concern I  enjoyed this movie.

First half of this movie is great and second half is only average. So it feels like two different movies one is great and second is average. I think the problem with this movie is casting the entire star cast doesn’t feet in their respective roles. And the second problem is its lousy screen play which loosespath after first half and by end leaves no effect on you.

We all know the entire star cast of Exodus is very talented and believe me they try very hard to give justice to their roles but the lack on characterization and lousy screen play never gives them their chance to outshine.

One more problem which I realized while watching Exodus is we all know it’s a Biblical movies but all the characters are  speaking our modern day English not ancient English this is one more reason what makes the characters effectless.

So all and all Exodus: Gods and Kings is only one time watch movie. 

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