Friday 28 November 2014


Hello everyone.  Just few hours ago new Star Wars teaser trailer is out. “THE FORCE AWAKENS”. I am huge fan of Star Wars movies so if the brand new teaser trailer is out  I can not write something about it. So here it is my review of Star Wars : The Force Awakens teaser review.

Its only a teaser of only 2 minutes. So they don’t show anything in particular but they have made lots of changes in basic thing. First J. J. Abrams is directing this one who previously directed Star Trek and Star Trek into the Darkness. And with this trailer he made his point that things are going to be different this time and when you are watching the trailer you can feel the new vibe in it.

In the background you hear a voice and the voice creeps you out but in a good way. I feel Benedict Cumberbatch gave this voice over but I am not sure about that. In the teaser a stormstrooper appears on screen and he looks terrified by something. Than we see an entire squad of stormstrooper. Than we see a droid running. Than we can see a speeder.

Now with every scene in background we have our own Star Wars sound effect and they are simply amazing. After that we see a man in hood who pops on his lightsaber and really friends it feels so good to see someone with a lightsaber after so many years. Now here this particular lighsaber in not an ordinary one but  Its long and it’s got side hilts in it which makes the man holding it a bad guy.

Than we see Millennium Falcon falling and its last scene  of this teaser but it’s the coolest one.
Have seen the teaser yet..? If not it’s right here have a look…

I ma sure after watching the teaser you are very excited and curious about this movie. Now what do you think about this teaser like it..? Let me know in comments.

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