Saturday 13 December 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies movie review

Here comes the Final chapter of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES.  So here is my review.

First of all from the very first moment to the ending credits this movie takes you in a different world. They don’t waste time on building up they simply starts the movie where last movie ended and they ends this movie where The Lord Of The Rings Started. Peter Jackson’s vision of middle earth is so effective that he makes you feel that you are really in middle earth so visually this movie is amazing.

Now let’s talk about performances Martin Freeman s Bilbo Baggins is as amazing as always. They wouldn’t find a better Bilbo Baggins. Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey is also amazing. But one actor who really outshines in this movie is Richard Armitage he is simply superb as Thorin. There are few moments between Bilbo and Thorin and they are really enjoyable.

This movie is full of action. There are lots of people out there who are saying that this movie is not like the book and I agree to that but whatever is happening on screen its fun to watch that. There are huge war sequences and they are enjoyable.

The only problem I had with this movie is I wanted to see more of Bilbo Baggins. And I don’t know why but this time they tried to create some romantic moments and believe me they doesn’t work at all and last thing which I didn’t like is its climax is quite sudden. When it ends it feels like “oh it’s over I was expecting something more”.

But all and all it’s a fun movie, everyone will enjoy it and I personally suggest you to watch it in 3D.


  1. Like the others in the trilogy, it's fine. Fun for what it is, but not too much else. Good review Ravi.
