Thursday 25 September 2014


I had LOOPER film with me for last one year but somehow I never made up my mind to watch it but last night when I couldn’t sleep than I decided this is the time to watch “LOOPER”.

First of all let me tell you what is a LOOPER. A looper is a guy who kills his target sent from the future and dispose the body because hiding a dead body in future is nearly impossible.

Joe (joseph gordon levitt )works as a looper in Kansas city in year 2044 when time travel is not invented yet but after 30 years in year 2074 time travel was invented and instantly banned. Now a man Abe (Jeff Daniels) who is sent from the future to present which is also in future. Abe runs a criminal organisation of Loopers. What loopers do they wait for their targets which are sent from future with tied hands , covered face and wearing a yellow jacket in back of the jacket sliver bars are fixed. As the targets arrives , Loopers shoots them takes the silver and dispose the body.

Sometimes loopers receives gold bars with target which means they just killed themselves of future.
Which means now they have a life of exact 30 more years and it’s called closing the loop.

Now one day Joe receives a target with untied hands and uncovered face which is himself from the
future ( Bruce Willis). Now we have 2 joe young and old , Now for young joe to save his life he has to kill old joe and for old joe to save his life and his future wife’s life he has to save his life and young joe’s life and to change the future he has to kill a man” RAINMAKER” in present so he wouldn’t exist in future.

One thing which is very importing in these kind of time travelling films is they have to be sure that the story remains logical because time travelling itself is a confusing topic. The story of Looper is really confusing it will make you think twice to understand what is happening but Looper has done it really well from the beginning to end the story makes you believe that it could happen in reality all credit goes to Rian Jhonson who handled the story amazingly I am sure if it wasn’t handled carefully it would be a disaster.

One thing which I really liked about this film is its futuristic but very close to reality you can feel the
characters. And one thing which really surprised me was Joseph Gordon Levitt he is not looking like
himself he looks like he is somebody else that one element came to me as a surprise. This movie shows that nothing is gonna change in future everything will remain same good remains good and bad will remains bad the only thing which will change the method of good and bad.

So all and all I enjoyed this movie. If you want to watch a realistic future movie with a good story , some suspense and some excellent performance watch Looper as soon as possible.

Have you already seen LOOPER ....?

What do you think about this...?

Tell which is your favourite time travelling movie..?


  1. I liked Looper as well. It wasn't all I was anticipating, but was still quite enjoyable as a sci-fi thriller. Satisfyingly intellectual, too. I'd have to say my favorite time travel movie is Back to the Future. Can't get much better than that!

    1. that's true mate...i also enjoyed back to future very much..
